Within minutes of trying to wake up my oldest daughter... my eyes were stinging with tears. I thought to myself.... "this is ridiculous... what is the matter with me??" I felt the ache of that empty feeling inside. It was then that I realized that I had taken the time to pour out... but didn't take the time to allow God to fill me back up. As I rushed back down the stairs to get my Bible... I remembered an illustration that I have heard several times before. I was like a beggar... I had my empty cup out in front of me... begging for someone... anyone... to do something or say something that would fill me up. Something that would make me feel good. Something that would make me feel valuable. I have heard Beth Moore say that "if you allow God to fill you up... anything else you get all day will be gravy!"
I searched my concordance... I knew exactly what I was looking for. Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us (me) in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we (I) may sing for joy and be glad all our (my) days.
I kept repeating it... Lord, satisfy me this morning with your unfailing love. I want to sing for joy and be glad all day. It is your love that will satisfy me... your unfailing love.
Things got better. I didn't need to be vailidated by my poor daughters. It let them off the hook.
Tonight as I worked through my Bible study... it just happened to be about one of my favorite miracles of Jesus. Jesus feeding the 5000 with the little boys lunch. It is amazing how God will use the same story to speak to you at different times. The last time I remember reading the account in John's gospel... I was floored by the fact that they distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. I loved it that God used that story to show me that when I sit down... and position myself at His feet.... He will give me as much of HIM as I want. But tonight.... I kept thinking about no matter how "little" I have to give.... Jesus can multiply it beyond anything I can imagine. This morning... I had so little to give. When I went to him with my little bit... He multiplied it and supplied enough to make it through my day. He satisfied me with His unfailing love.... and the rest of my day was gravy!!
We have a new hot water heater. We all got baths and my dishes are washed. I cannot change my family member... so I just prayed for her. My father-in-law did well through his procedure... and received a new stent... he will not have to have by-pass surgery. And... I postponed the conferences with my daughter's teachers because of all of the other stuff that was happening. So I was able to sing with joy and be glad all day.
I thought about all the leftovers the disciples picked up after the 5000 ate... 12 baskets full. It must have looked a lot like gravy.
Then tonight as I was blog hopping.... I found this on Cricket's blog.... she gave me an award!!

Also... I received another basket of blessings this past week from another blogger. It was actually a box... and it contained tons of Beth Moore CD's and DVD's. Gravy upon Gravy. My cup is overflowing. What started out as very little this morning... turned into more than I could imagine tonight. Glory to God!!
That was a wondeful post. I have been thinking about that saying all last week from where we were talking about husbands...if you let God fill you up...then you are not so needy to get it from everyone else. I love that!!
Thanks again for the inspiration...keep it coming girlie!!!
This is grand, Lynn. Don't you love His timing. I love how something is sent to us a certain day but we don't receive it until later. There is nothing better than His o' so perfect timing, Amen?!
So glad many of your things turned out well.
Hope you sleep well tonight.
Thank you God for the gravy!
Not only is your blog beautiful, you are too. Remember the darkest hour is just before dawn. I can't wait for the dawning of light to refreshen you. Many Blessings, Hold On
Little is much when
God is in it!!
I Love you sister and I thank God for you daily!
What an amazing God He is for letting us be apart of His wonder working power
(sweet tuesdays)!!
And to think it all started with your "little".
I'm soooo thankful that you shared your insights of what God showed you because I heard a devotion on this on the radio yesterday and then I couldn't remember where that verse was, about getting filled in the morning. Then this morning I STARTED MY DAY WITHOUT gettin in the word, and boom... just as you said the world piles uP, and ya can't give what you don't have*
THEN I CAME HERE.* :) IM SO SMILING. I don't think you have a clue how MIGHTILY God uses you.* I've been blessed so many times through you.
I'M THANKIN GOD FOR YOUR hot water heater, and for the good dr report/stint.
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