Monday, March 31, 2008

A New Day

Well... this is a new day. My first day on a blog. I am really excited... but I am really not sure why... I don't even know if anyone will read it. I just want to use this space to jabber about what is going on in my life and what God is teaching me through it.

Today's word is patients. Something that I am lacking at times. In my Bible study this week, I am exploring the characteristics of a rebellious child of God. The one that hit me the most is that a rebellious child of God does not ACT like a child of God. I am afraid that hit me right between the eyes. When I am frustrated at times... I hit "reaction" mode. Then I am only reacting to what others are doing. Not good. I long to be like Jesus. Quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. (James 1:19) This verse goes on to say that a man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. My desire to please God with my life is not so that He will love me.... It is because He Loves Me. No more than he loves anyone else.... or no less than he loves anyone else. God's love is no respecter of persons. It does not discriminate. If we only understood the totality of God's Love... it would change the way that we do things. That is what I am focusing on right now.... allowing God to change the way that I do things.

Have a great day. Remember.... no one loves you like God does.

1 comment:

About Nancy said...

Welcome to the world of blog! I love your statement, "...a rebellious child of God does not ACT like a child of God." Something good to think about. Thanks for sharing.
In Him,